Storm Teams Capture 4 Tournament Championships!, News (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

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Nov 19, 2018 | Garnet Little | 1942 views
Storm Teams Capture 4 Tournament Championships!
Erie North Shore Minor Hockey teams represented the association extremely well this past weekend, capturing four tournament Championships.

Congratulations to the following teams:

Novice Major
After a 9 player shootout against Woolwich in the Championship Final, the Novice Majors were winners of the Guelph PowerPlay Tournament.

Atom Minor
Defeated Georgina in the Championship Final,  the Atom Minors were winners of the St. Thomas Boston Pizza Cup Tournament.

Atom AE
Defeated Windsor in the Championship Final, the Atom AE’s were winners of the St. Thomas Boston Pizza Cup Tournament.

Bantam Minor
Defeated St.Thomas in the Championship Final, the Bantam Minors were winners of the St. Thomas Boston Pizza Cup Tournament.
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