ENS RETURN TO HOCKEY PLAN, News (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

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Sep 05, 2020 | jbatke | 2505 views
Erie North Shore Minor Hockey has submitted our initial framework for the upcoming season, while adhering to the protocols set forth by the OMHA and the OHF.  

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions and public health unit requirements baselines including but not limited to the following will be put in place:
No travel team tryouts
No travel league games / schedules based on 5 on 5 “regular hockey”
Strict adherence to the safety protocols which will be put in place at all facilities.
ALL players will be placed in tiers, that align with their 2019-20 teams.
Players are to register where they played in the 2019-2020 season; AAA/NRP/ can opt to return to their home centre. SBI players are asked to register in their home centre.


No contact hockey
No APs (alternates), players can only play for 1 team
Season start will be based on skill development, followed by modified programming and game play (3 on 3, 4 on 4)
League/Cohort play maximum is 50 players
Each session will consist of skills development followed by mini games (3 on 3 or 4 on 4 depending on the number of players). These modified games will ensure on-ice activity and the benches can adhere to the required physical distancing.
Minor & Major teams may be combined based on registration numbers or skill levels
Potential in some tiers to create “cohort groups” of players with Essex and Southpoint for the purpose of modified game play of 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 (details to be finalized).
Tier One: Rep/Travel players in the 2019/2020 season
Tier Two: Local League players in the 2019/2020 season & new players 
Tier Three: Initiation/Tyke  Program (U5, U6, U7 or 2014, 2015, 2016’s ) 
Ice Times 
Tier One - 3 hrs of ice weekly 
Tier Two and Three - 2 hours of ice weekly 
Outside instructors such as Licensed Skating instructors and skills development sessions may be incorporated   
All Payments through PLAYPAY (Click here to log into your existing PlayPay account, or click here to create a new account) 
TIER One- 15 weeks $600  September 8 - December 20
TIER Two - 12 weeks  $350 October 2 - December 20 
TIER Three - 10 weeks  $275 October 16 - December 20
Refund Policy 
o Up to Oct 31 - 50%
o No other refund will be issued after that date 
Fees and Deadlines for programming Jan - March 2021 will be communicated later in fall
Payment deadline
o Tier 1 - September 15 $300, Sept 30 $300
o Tier 2 - September 30 $350
o Tier 3 - September 30 $275
Need to be registered to participate on ice REGISTRATION LINK
Soft close of registration on Friday September 11, 2020 to ensure adequate time for planning ice and cohort formation  
o Anyone registering after this date will be placed on a waiting list and will be added if there is room in a cohort at that age level.  
Home Centre (Tier 2 and 3)  
Information on home centres will be determined by the end of September. Priority will be given to safe design of the cohorts that allow us to meet safety protocols in place  
All players should be prepared for the potential of playing out of both Kingsville and Harrow arena throughout the season   
Organization of Registrants
Players will be grouped into cohorts, with maximum number of on-ice participants to be determined in conjunction with the Municipalities and OMHA guidelines
As per pg:8 of the OHF Return to Hockey Framework: Maximum of 30 for individual training and game play
Modified Game Play
As per pg:28 of the OHF  modified 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 game play with No Physical Contact hockey: Competition (Game Play) 
Continue with weekly skills/development skates; add weekend game play
Following a minimum two-week development phase for any new programs, modified 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 game play with No Physical Contact. 
All Game Play is within the local Public Health Unit. 
There is a minimum of one registered official per game unless determined otherwise by the Member.
All Game Play must be conducted in conjunction with the local PHU and facility rules for the purpose of sanitation and physical distancing.
Game play is based on pg: 30 - 34 of OHF Return to Hockey Framework, Appendix E and Appendix F.
Please note:  There will be NO SPECIAL REQUESTS for players or coaches this season.  We appreciate your understanding on this matter!
This framework is subject to and pending approval by the OMHA and OHF.
More information on specifics will be shared as soon as we. Please be patient and watch the website and follow on facebook.   