Tier One Families - please pay the initial $300 installment by Friday, September 18.
2003 - we are looking for 2003 Tier One (travel/rep) players. Please contact
Mark Cowan by Sunday, September 20, if interested.
2002 and older - if interested in participating in Juvenile hockey, please contact
Mark Cowan.
With respect to Kingsville Arena:
· Parents: there are no in and out privileges. If you exit, you are not permitted to return.
· Members are not permitted to open doors and let others in the building.
· The side exit is the exit to use. Please do not use the front doors to exit.
· The lobby area is closed. No one should be in the lobby adjacent to the rink as that is not currently being utilized as a viewing area.
Return to Play: Tier One: Next Steps
Erie, Essex, and Southpoint are currently in the process of creating productive cohorts for 'Tier One' grouping.
We are now in the process of closing Tier One registration, as we work to create the cohorts. Players not registered and paid by September 18, will not be added to the Tier One cohort.
The goal of our organizations is to create teams competitively balanced, which may involve a rotation of players on a bi-weekly basis, where teams are comprised of players from multiple centers.