The WECHU has confirmed that the move to "
Orange" under Ontario's new COVID-19 Tiered Lockdown Framework has
NO impact on our current hockey operations.
Teams may continue to practice and play under the current OHF Stage 3B rules until further notice. Should our region move to "RED", under Ontario's new COVID-19 Tiered Lockdown Framework, this WILL IMPACT our current hockey operations.
NO game play or scrimmages will be permitted. Teams will only be allowed to have a maximum of 9 players + 1 Coach on the ice per ice time.
Currently, ENS is conducting a feasibility study, to assess our best options in the event we move to Code Red status.
The provincial government maintains an up to date list of the various levels and which Public Health Unit falls in each category. The list is available here
To better understand how the Colour-coded Covid-19 Response framework applies within the OHF branch of minor hockey, please click here