Sep 22, 2021 | Gary Toupin | 591 views
Travel Tryout Fee
Parents that plan on having their children attend Travel Tryouts are required to pay a $50 fee for all age groups. This fee is to be paid through playpay (just like registration) prior to attending the first tryout. The person at the registration table will have a list of players that have paid the Tryout Fee and this person will NOT be accepting cash at the door. The website for playpay is listed below.
Steps are as follows:
Step 1 - Log into Playpay
Step 2 - Click on My Organizations and at the bottom it should have your childs name (if you have already paid registration). Under the Activities column click on the add/edit link
Step 3 - Check the box (should be first on the list) Travel Tryouts and then save activities.
Step 4 - Click on My Payments (left side of the screen) and then make a payment (your balance should show what is owing $XXX of $XXXX).
Step 5 - Enter the amount you're paying and select your means of payment