Start of the 2022/23 Season, News (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

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Aug 30, 2022 | Gary Toupin | 1467 views
Start of the 2022/23 Season
Important Information regarding the start of the hockey season.

Kingsville Arena has experienced a mechanical issue that will push back the date that they will be able to get ice in the facility.  Due to this reason the local league program will not be starting until the ice is in at the Kingsville Arena which they are hoping for the week of Sept 18th.  Further communication will follow regarding local league teams and ice times.

To meet the OMHA required number of skates prior to tryouts the Rep teams (U9 - U18 inclusive) will start on Tuesday Sept 6th and all of these team schedules are loaded into the respective Travel Teams calendars on our website.

For U14, U15 and U16 Teams have already been selected in May for this season so all those players that made those teams are expected to attend the scheduled skates.

For U9, U10, U11, U12, U13 and U18 these teams have not been made and tryouts are already scheduled in the teams calendar for later in September.  What this means is that all skates in the teams calendar prior to tryouts can be attended by anyone that is interested in trying out for these teams in September.  When you registered your player you indicated if they were interested in playing travel hockey so if you answered yes to this question we would expect to see you out at these pre-tryout skates.  Again, please visit the team calendar to find the schedule. 

With no ice in Kingsville the first week of skates are booked in Leamington on various days.  These skates will be run by the travel coach that was selected for each age group.  

We are looking forward successful 2022/23 Hockey Season.