Last year we launched the new HCR registration system which has streamlined many processes. Recent upgrades have been added which now make it mandatory that parents/guardians include
proof of residency on their child's account in HCR
as well as confirm the information highlighted in red on your account.
Please follow instructions below. Failure to update this information can result in ENS being unable to roster your child to a team. Rosters are required for all games and tournaments so your prompt attention to this is necessary.Step 1
Log into your Spordle account at
Step 2
Click on Member and update any missing information. Required fields that are missing information will be highlighted with red text.
Step 3
Go to Documents and upload birth certificate or passport and proof of residency (driver's license or utility bill with current address). Skip this step if both documents are already present and current.
Step 4
Go to Qualifications and ensure that you have Respect in Sport for Parents completed. If you have not completed this course please complete the course at the following link:
Step 5
Go to Waivers and make sure all waivers for the 2022/23 season are signed.
Repeat this for each member listed in your profile that is registered for the 2022/23 season.
This is an additional step that was not introduced by HCR until after registration opened for this season so we realize it's an inconvenience, but it does have to be completed, and soon. Teams registered for an early tournament are especially under a tight timeline. If your player is not rostered, they cannot participate in the tournament. Our Registrar is working very hard to get the rosters in and it is a tedious job. Anything that our members can do to expedite the process is greatly appreciated!
Questions can be directed to our registrar at [email protected]