U18 A Update, News (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

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Aug 25, 2023 | Gary Toupin | 683 views
U18 A Update
Please note that we plan to run a U18 A Team again this year.  We will be offering a couple pre-skates which lead into tryouts.  The standard $60 Tryout fee will apply and must be paid through playpay prior to attending the first tryout.  Please see the schedule below:

Sept 11th - 10 - 11:20 in Harrow
Sept 14th - 10 - 11:20 in Harrow

Sept 19th - 10 - 11:20 in Harrow
Sept 21st - 10:30 - 11:50 in Harrow
Sept 23rd - 7:10 - 8:50 in Wheatley
Sept 24th - 8:10 - 9:50 in Wheatley

You do not need to attend the Pre-skates to attend tryouts but it is strongly recommended.  All events are loaded into the U18 A Team Calendar and all communications will be through the team page for tryout updates.