Apr 11, 2024 | Jacqui MacLeod | 354 views
AGM and Information Nights
Our AGM will be held May 14th, 7pm at Kingsville Arena.
Please join us on our open house information nights regarding our amalgamation with Amherstberg Minor Hockey Association.
All members of Erie North Shore Minor Hockey are welcome, and encouraged, to join us at our information nights on April 24th, 7pm at Kingsville Arena and May 9th, 7pm at Harrow Arena. We will then hold our AGM (Annual General Meeting) and our amalgamation vote on May 14th, 7pm at Kingsville Arena. This is a great opportunity to get some information and ask any questions that are not covered in our FAQ sheet (to be released before our first information night). Thank You and we look forward to seeing you all.