Jun 04, 2015 | jkritzer | 1128 views
Saturday Tryout Game
Everyone that remains on the list please come to the Amherstburg tryout game on Saturday June 6th at 11am.
All players that are listed on the 'Tryout Player List' on the left side of this page, please show up ready to play in Amherstburg on Saturday. NOTE: WE WILL ONLY BE PLAYING THE GAME WITH 10 PLAYERS. Subsequent to the game, please have your player take their equipment from the room and leave it in the lobby of the arena and return to the dressing room. Coaches will have a quick meeting and discuss one on one with players and their parents the status of tryouts afterwhich we will have a team meeting in the dressing room to go over team expectations, rules etc.
Thank you everyone for your time.