Nov 23, 2015 | jmarontate | 1573 views
Novice AE Storm Rollin
Although it has taking me over half the season to write a Storm Novice AE news article dosen't mean I've had no intention on doing so. I just new the day would come where we could express how overwhelmingly proud we are as a coaching staff of this gifted group of kids we have. From our very first game playing as a group and getting whooped by Windsor till now giving every team a hard fought battle, we couldn't ask for anything more from them.
Hearing comments from other organizations, parents, and even other Storm coaches saying how much we've improved and even hearing we are the team to watch come playoffs makes us as coaches feel we are doing what we signed up to do feel that much better. After starting the season as a learning curve for both the players and coaches, its amazing as to how far we have come playing every game better than the last one. Seeing the kids utilize all the skills and tools we have showed them in practices and placing them in game situations is Priceless. There is no single individual effort that we can point out. Our most recent action included a shutout win against Tecumseh and a 2-2 tie against a strong amherstburg team. The Coaching staff would like to extend a Big Thank You to everyone for staying extremely positive thus far and look forward to the remainder of the season. Your support does not go Unreconized.GO STORM!!!!!!!