Organization | Sep 10, 2021 | Admin | 2186 views
Vaccine Policy Updates
Please read the following information as it may require action on your part!
As of September 22nd, 2021, changes will be implemented at the arenas requiring any eligible person over the age of 12 to be fully vaccinated to enter the premises. Proof will be required for entry. This will affect any parent/guardian entering the arenas with any child of any age, every player over the age of 12, and all coaching staff and on-ice officials.
EXAMPLE: Player X gets the 1st dose of the vaccine on September 1st; they cannot get the second dose until September 29 and still must wait 14 days from that date - this puts you at mid-October to be considered fully vaccinated. Until that time, Player X must provide proof of a negative Covid test to participate. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY.
Kindly remember that this is a Government mandate, and not one of ENSMHA. Now is the time to know what will be required of you to make the best decision moving forward.
Vaccination is a personal choice and ENSMHA understands that it may not be a part of every family's plan. If you wish to rescind your registration please let us know as soon as possible - we have already planned the season and this will impact those plans.
This is all the information we have right now - we wish we could tell you more. ENSMHA is hopeful for further communication from the towns surrounding this mandate very soon and we have asked for some sort of provisions to allow for proper timelines in the vaccination process in order to align with the Hockey Canada vaccination requirement date of October 31st. As soon as we have that information, we will share it with you.