IMPORTANT MEMO FROM ENSMHA - PLEASE READ, News, Tier 1 (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

This Category is part of the season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Dec 16, 2021 | Julie Mclean | 3350 views

TO:                  ENSMHA MEMBERS  



As the season winds down for the Holidays we have found ourselves in a situation where Covid has ramped up again.  Cases are increasing daily, as are tensions within the community.  Due to this, there are 2 issues that must be addressed with our Association members immediately.  

Our hope is to continue the season uninterrupted; to do so we need your help with the following:

Isolation Protocol:

There have been some questions lately regarding the status of players who have been asked to isolate due to a school or bus cohort, or close community contact.  For the entire association to continue the ability to play, these isolation periods should be observed across all daily activities, including hockey.  

We realize that our players have missed many days in the last 2 years, and that everyone is striving for normalcy, however we ask for your complete cooperation regarding this matter.  It is the expectation of ENSMHA that players/coaches who have been asked to isolate by the health unit are not to participate in any team activities (on and off ice) until all expectations and guidelines set by the health unit have been met.

Failure to comply could result in the closure of several other teams in the association, if not the association as a whole.  As such, any player or coach found to be participating in team activities (on and off ice) who have been ordered to isolate will be immediately dismissed and further disciplinary measures may be taken.  Non-compliance will not be tolerated as it directly contravenes the OHF Policy regarding this matter.


Abuse of Referees:

Realizing that it has been a trying 2 years, we are pleading with EVERYONE to please stop harassing the referees.  Let's put this in perspective: pre-Covid, there were 5800 Refs registered in Ontario.  Right now, we are trying to run the same amount of games with approximately 1700 refs.  Many of those 1700 are new, and they are learning.  The harassment and bullying of referees has gotten to the point where even the 1700 are starting to leave the job.  Without referees, we cannot play - it's that simple.  ENSMHA will stand behind the Windsor Essex County Referee Association and further abuse of referees within our arenas will not be tolerated.  We see this abuse as a direct violation of our Code of Conduct policy.  We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct Policy, as well as the Disciplinary Measures policy, which can be found within the Risk management tab of the website, under Policies and Procedures.

Due to the desperate state of referee numbers, and our need to keep them in order to play, this letter shall serve as notice to constitute a First Warning under the Disciplinary Measures policy for ENSMHA.  Any new transgressions against the referees, with the exception of those transgressions of members who may have already been put on warning, that are reported to the Association going forward from today will be seen as a second offense.



Gary Toupin

Association President



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