Nov 04, 2013 | scampbell | 537 views
Fort Erie Tournament
The Storm Minor Atom team travelled to Fort Erie this past weekend for their second tournament of the season. The weekend started slow for the boys with a 4-1 loss against Whitby Wildcats. With the rest of the day off and a good nights sleep, Erie met Nobleking Knights for an early Saturday morning game.
Working and skating hard, even with two late goals in the third, the boys come up short losing 4-2. After lunch, the Storm came out flying against the Woodstock Jr. Navy Vets. Holding them scoreless in the first, Erie's penalty kill couldn't hold Woodstock down as they skated off with a 7-0 win. Although losing three games, the boys held their heads high and enjoyed the team experience. Join our Minor Atom boys as the play Windsor Jr. Spitfires on Tuesday Nov. 6 6:30pm in Kingsville. GO STORM!!!