Not An Option..., News, Minor Atom, 2013-2014 (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 06, 2014 | scampbell | 942 views
Not An Option...
With a two game loss in OMHA playdowns and a 1-0 loss to Amherstburg Stars on Friday night, the Minor Atom boys were ready to show Southpoint Capitals that losing was not an option. From the start of the game, Erie played very offensively. The first period score ended in a 2-2 tie. Multiple scoring chances and fantastic play making prevailed as Erie pulled ahead by two goals making it 4-2 at the end of two.

 Southpoint inched closer making 4-3 early in the third. A few minutes later, Erie meant business as they sealed the win with two more goals, finishing with a 6-3 win. Great efforts were made by all players!! Join the Minor Atom boys as we host Tecumseh Eagles this Saturday at 3:20pm. GO STORM!!!

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7 - 60 Colchester Square in the Village Green Plaza Kanata, Ontario K2K 2Z9 Phone: (613) 592-8656
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29 King St E Harrow, Ontario (519) 738-2216