Oct 10, 2016 | smarontate | 1323 views
NHL Hockey Pool
The Erie North Shore Bantam Minor
Travel Hockey Team is running it annual NHL Hockey Pool. This NHL
Hockey Pool will be run on a Donation entry of $20.00 per entry.
IT'S FUN ! Play against other teammates, relatives and colleagues.
It is based upon numbers of donations received at the entry deadline of October 23, 2016 at 11:00PM.
See below entry details and the cash prize structure:
To enter the Pool yourself on line: Log onto the pool web-site at - www.hockeydraft.ca
At the top of the page is the "Sign In" button.
Pool Username = Storm03 Pool Password = ERIE
Once logged in you can click entry form tab, and create your team and submit it. Please let your player/parent know the name of your team as soon as you have entered it.
There are no limits to the number of teams a single person can enter Deadline for entries is October 23, 2016 at 11:00pm.
Prize Structure:
First Place - will receive 25% of all donations collected.
Second Place - will receive 10% of all donations collected.
Third Place - will receive 5% of all donations collected.
Fourth Place thru Tenth Place - will receive their $30.00 each
Example Winnings: If we have 150 pool entries, first place will receive $750.00!