May 22, 2019 | J.Batke | 1100 views
Bantam Minor Tryout List Update
The following players will dress for the game on Friday at 8:30pm in Leamington.
Sage Batke
Nevan Branco
Marshall Champeau
Tommy Coughlin
Noah Dufour
Ben Klassen
Matthew Mactier
Owen Matthews
Elijah Pezzotti
Nash Poisson
Ashton Sim
Kyle Macmillan
Tiago Ribeiro
Luca Rino
Carson Stomp
Aiden Brown
Gavin Kritzer
Players still on the tryout roster, but not playing on Friday are:
Neil Adams
Brock Bezaire
Carson Murracas
Carter Murracas
All players are to be at the rink by 7:30 pm and should wear khakis and a golf shirt at a minimum.