I would
like to thank all of the players and parents for making it out to the U13B team tryouts. I
know this was a long drawn out process. This was not our intention.
to select players for travel teams are always difficult. This is especially
true in this case as I have coached and know many of the players and families
for several years.
The following players have been selected to play on the 2024-25 U13B travel team:
Alessio Incitti
Ashton Cyr
Carter Russell
Cooper Autterson
Jackson Schneckenburger
Jayden Kendrick
Kai Snoei
Mason Popel
Nathan Larsen
Nathan Snively
Owen Irvine
Owen Mastronardi
Raegan Spitse
Sam Hammel
Serge Diab
Thomas Larsen
Zach Hammond
The following players have been selected to be an Affiliated Player (AP):
Taylor Neudorf (AP)
Maxwell Autterson (AP)
Klint Stratichuk (AP)
For those who do not see their name on this list. Thanks for trying out. I will speak with coaches at the U13 and U11 levels to encourage them to put “Select” teams together for those levels. This is a way of getting more hockey for your player that is more competitive and will push them to be a better player.