WECHU Announces NEW Vaccine Directives, News, Erie North Shore Storm Local League (Erie North Shore Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Sep 29, 2021 | Admin | 2102 views
WECHU Announces NEW Vaccine Directives
Yet again we have been notified of a change in the mandates surrounding the vaccine status of Players, Coaches, and spectators.  WECHU will be requiring all participants (players, coaches, volunteers, spectators) to be fully vaccinated to enter any recreational facility in it's jurisdictional area effective October 1.

Despite the OMHA mandate, which still stands, that eligible 12-18 year old participants must be fully vaccinated by October 31st, this order will supersede this.

You can refer to the WECHU letter of instruction located here.

Please note that this is not a directive from either the town of Essex, or Harrow, nor is it a directive of ENSMHA.  We are however beholden to it.

Tryouts are still in progress - if you are affected by this mandate please let your coach know as soon as possible as there are several exhibition games this weekend and this may affect your ability to attend.  For reference, "fully vaccinated" is considered to be 2nd dose plus 14 days.  Members who have begun the process of full vaccination, but are not fully vaccinated by October 1st, will have to pause their participation until such time that they are fully vaccinated.

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